A downloadable tool


A free, unique & fun programming language!

SIGN (Scripted Interactive Graphical Notepad) is a programming language intended for simple single-loop creative codings! It's simple to use but might not be like other languages you already know.

Important: this is not finished, and might never be. it's been difficult for us to make, and we've decided to drop it for now. sorry.

We do still hope you have fun with SIGNpad, and be sure to share your little programs! <3

Published 5 hours ago
StatusIn development
Authorskollumos, thego.
Made withLÖVE
TagsGame Design, Retro, Text based
Average sessionAbout a half-hour
InputsKeyboard, Mouse


signpad.love 25 kB

Install instructions

Drag the .love file onto your Löve2d app.


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Great job putting this out!! Not many people are developing their own language frameworks i bet... Pretty epic. Looks slick.